Carine Pieterse
Natural Health
Brisbane Bayside
Carine Pieterse
Natural Health
Brisbane Bayside
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Carine Pieterse
Natural Health
Brisbane Bayside

Scientific Testing

Carine Pieterse - Natural Health - Functional Patholology Tests Brisbane

Brisbane Functional Pathology Testing

If your case is complicated, consider the amount of money that could be spent going to different specialists and trying various treatments. Identifying the cause with Functional Pathology Testing will save you a lot of money, time, and your health long term. Not everyone needs specialised Functional Pathology Testing, and Carine will discuss these after an in-depth discussion about your concerns, history, budget, capacity, and goals.

Functional Pathology Testing uses science to identify the underlying cause of an illness as well as provide tools for the prevention of disease. Functional Pathology Testing can help put all the pieces together and drive treatment towards the real cause. It may give you the answer that is often overlooked or missing. Many clients report a massive feeling of relief once they have concrete evidence and the answers, after many years of searching and being passed around to medical professionals.

Functional Pathology Testing is specialised tests that measure how the body's biological and biochemical processes are working. The tests can measure pathways, enzymes, nutrients, co-factors, genes, hormones, amino acids, neurotransmitters, gut bacteria, parasites, as well as leaky gut signs. Rather than isolating a single marker, functional testing is much more specialised in that it looks at how the whole organ or process in the body is functioning and how that may be influencing other systems and your entire health.

How does it work?
Carine will discuss with you which tests are most useful to investigate in your particular case. You are then sent a test kit directly from the lab to your home whereby the instructions and all the materials to do the test and post back to the lab are included. The test may be urine or saliva collection, spot pinprick blood test, saliva swap, or you may have to go to a collection centre to get blood drawn. The results are sent to Carine and discussed at your next appointment.

How much does it cost?
They vary greatly depending on the test (usually clients spend about $50-$450) depending on your situation. Medicare does not cover specialised Functional Pathology Testing; however, general pathology blood tests are often done in conjunction with your local doctor, and most are covered by Medicare (Medicare often make changes, and you can check with them at the time for a current figure and decide whether to proceed with that particular test at the time at your discretion).

General pathology and functional pathology tests offered:

Providing the most comprehensive look at adrenal and sex hormones meaning accurate diagnostic information and effective treatment

When we open our eyes upon waking, cortisol levels naturally begin to rise by an average of 50%. 30 minutes after waking, cortisol levels will still show this sharp increase. By 60 minutes after waking, cortisol levels have peaked and begin to decline. Measuring this rise and fall of cortisol levels at waking can be used as a 'mini stress test'. Research shows that the size of this increase correlates with HPA-axis function, even if the sample measurements are all within range (Precision Analytical, 2019)

This powerful saliva test evaluates bioactive levels of the body’s important stress hormones, cortisol and DHEA. It serves as a helpful tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances such as underlying anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, obesity and sugar metabolism imbalance.

The Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of your overall health with over 70 markers. It also provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders often excrete several abnormal organic acids in their urine. Treatment, including key vitamins and antioxidants as well as dietary modification can help support the abnormalities detected.

General pathology tests such as thyroid studies, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, liver and kidney function, Zinc, Copper, Homocysteine, Immunoglobulins etc are done to get a full overview of possible deficiencies or imbalances.

This test provides an overall assessment of your ability to form and metabolise neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, GABA and others. Abnormal neurotransmitter levels are associated with mood/behaviour and metabolic disorders.

Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis is an advanced stool test that provides immediate, actionable clinical information for the management of gastrointestinal health. Utilising cutting-edge technologies and biomarkers, this test offers valuable insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome.

The IgG & IgA general food panel helps to asses delayed food reactions as well as damaged intestinal mucosal type reactions of 96 different foods. Sensitivities to these foods can lead to a variety of symptoms such as bloating, migraines, eczema, diarrhea, skin rashes, fatigue and leaky gut. After receiving the test results, I help you with a food elimination plan, and provide options for alternative foods to eat and support digestive recovery.

Please contact us for further information if the specific test you're interested in isn't listed above.

If you're ready and willing to make a difference in your health and life, want to work with a trusted naturopath in Brisbane to understand what is happening on a deeper level, get in touch with Carine today.

Carine Pieterse is a qualified naturopath, qualified nutritionist, qualified homeopath, qualified Iridologist and expert in various health conditions successfully treating patients from Brisbane, Brisbane Southside, Brisbane Bayside, Wakerley, Wynnum and Redlands, including:
General Health, Chronic Fatigue, Adrenal Fatigue, Gut Health, Thyroid Conditions, Female Hormone Problems, Male Hormone Problems, Scientific Testing, and Functional Pathology Testing.

  • 15+ Years Clinical Practitioner and Primary Care Physician (SA)
  • Masters Degree in Health Science (Homeopathy)
  • Advanced Diploma Naturopathy, Nutrition and Health Medicine (Australia)
  • Diploma Iridology (NDip Irid, Germany)
Functional Pathology Testing | Scientific Testing | Carine Pieterse - Natural Health Brisbane

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“Healing through nature” guides a naturopath's use of biological sciences, chemistry, and biochemistry to understand the human body and its functions.


Good nutrition means obtaining the right amount of nutrients from healthy foods in the right combinations and is an essential part of leading a healthy lifestyle. 


Homeopathic Medicine (or homeopathy) is a 200-year-old form of alternative medicine used to stimulate a healing response and strengthen the body's ability to heal itself.


It has long been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Iridology is the study of the Iris, the complex musculovascular coloured part of the eye that surrounds the pupil.

“The first wealth is health. “