Carine Pieterse
Natural Health
Carine Pieterse
Natural Health
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Carine Pieterse
Natural Health

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Turmeric - The Spice of Life - Carine Pieterse - Natural Health
General Health Advice

Turmeric – The Spice of Life

In recent years, Turmeric has been promoted from just a humble ingredient in curry dishes to taking its place on the menu of most hipster …

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Woman Sleeping - The Importance of Sleep | Carine Pieterse - Natural Health
General Health Advice

The Importance of Sleep – Improving your Sleep Hygiene

How many hours are you sleeping a night? Are you perhaps compromising on your sleeping hours so that you can get more things done? Poor …

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Anxiety and the Gut-Brain Connection - Natural Health Carine Pieterse
Digestive Health

Anxiety and the Gut-Brain Connection

Latest research indicates there’s a strong connection between your gut health and mental health such as anxiety and depression. Are you experiencing uncomfortable and at …

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Remember to Breathe - Natural Health with Carine Pieterse
General Health Advice

Remember to Breathe

Life can be pretty hectic for many of us. And I, therefore, want to remind you of the value of breathing and how it can, …

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General Health Advice

Vitamin D – Essential for Optimal Health

When was the last time that your Vitamin D was tested? In this article, I’m going to tell you about a new study relating to …

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Magnesium is a calming and energising mineral - Carine Pieterse - Natural Health
General Health Advice

Magnesium: A Critical Mineral for Optimal Health

Magnesium is a supplement I regularly recommend in my practice. It is the most abundant mineral in our bodies and is used in more than …

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Leak Gut Diagram - Carine Pieterse -Natural Health
Digestive Health

Leaky Gut

Are you struggling with one or more of the following symptoms? Brain fog Digestive concerns such as bloating, constipation, diarrhoea and gas Mood imbalance such …

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HPA-axis diagram - Carine Pieterse Natural Health
Adrenal Health

Understanding the role of Cortisol in the body

From Adrenal Fatigue to HPA Axis Miscommunication – Understanding the Role of Cortisol in the Body Most of us have heard of the term Adrenal …

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